OIL & GAS EXECUTIVE SEARCHThe oil and gas industry is complex, highly technical, and multicultural. It is this uniqueness that makes it challenging and exciting for hiring talent. Our clients benefit from my experience working in oil and gas exploration and assisting oilfield technology companies to hire globally for over twenty-five years. AREAS OF EXPERIENCE
FORNEY SEARCH SERVICESOur search services are dedicated to oil and gas professionals in the following functions:
FORNEY Clients include:
EXPERIENCEFounder Kathie Forney is an executive search professional focused on oil & gas technology, based in Houston, Texas. Her clients include oil & gas technology ventures, software companies in geological/geophysical, production, and reservoir analysis, tool manufacturers, and service companies. Kathie's expertise lies in uncovering primary and secondary objectives for each client's hire, and bringing a comprehensive solution through each engagement. Kathie has identified key management for early stage and mid-size companies as a valued partner in the growth and development of new markets and new technologies. |
© Forney Search 2014 8918 Croes Drive Houston, TX 77055 Phone: (713) 504-4905 | Brand Design by Togil co. |